1. 作曲硕士专业(Master of Music in Composition)对GRE成绩要求
官网申请信息显示:Composers must submit valid Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores. We do not require the GRE for any other programs. We do not require a minimum score.即,
作曲硕士专业对GRE考试成绩是no minimums(没有最低分数要求)。
2. 计算机硕士专业(The Master of science) 对GRE成绩要求
官网申请信息显示:We attach importance to GRE scores, but only in the context of a student’s overall record. Publishing a minimum threshold would be pointless. Most students we admit are above the 90th percentile in quantitative, analytical and verbal scores. The important thing to remember is that the admissions committee looks at the entire application packet: the transcripts, the test scores, letters of recommendation — whatever gives us insight into the applicant’s promise as a researcher.
即计算机硕士专业对GRE考试成绩是no minimums(没有最低分数要求),但是大部分录取的学生数学成绩和语文成绩都在153分以上,写作成绩在5.5分以上。