Thank to the hi-technology, earth become more and more small in folks' eyes. As results of this, people may feel daily live more convenience, but sometimes cofused. China, along with America, is one of the most bigest countries in the world. Even citizens in both cuntries speak the same language, misunderstanding always occur, making people get embarrassment.
One of the main reasons of this phenomenon is the difference between the two cultural backgrounds. The common style of discussion, for example, most chinese might choose the meal time at a restaurant to conduct the argument with a easier atmosphere while the americans might perfer the meeting-room most. And the way of thinking also can be a very clear evidence to show out the difference. As worldwide ackonwledaged, curve mode of thinking is a classical chinese thinking method. Thus, americans are too straight, too frank and beyound the bearing capacity of chinese. Another reason is that the communicators did not know the culture of another country and they do not ask for detail or accurate meanings when the problem comes.
Be aim at the reasons above, I think two things we can do to make it less misunderstanding. The most exhaustive one is to know their history. The history stories display the reason why the difference come, and the hisstory can help us to pretent the way they thinking and see the meanings. However, the results if this solusion is so fat in the future. And the direct way is to do well in preparation. Facing to the cultural fusion, we should plan our preparations with the topic about the discussion, which is the sight to show everyone that we are well prepared and the attidute most.