
2025-03-03 05:17:54

“中国国际教育协会”( CIEA - China International Education Association )由香港文化界名流、慈善家、企业家发起创办并於2000年注册成立於香港,CIEA成立的初衷主要是致力於中华传统文化的传播和对外汉语教学的推广以及海外学生来华留学的服务。随著业务的发展,自2002年,CIEA开始致力於在中国宣传和推广美国、加拿大和英国丰富的高等院校资源,为中国政府公务员、国有企事业高级管理人员提供海外短期专业培训服务;为中国青年学子赴海外留学提供全方位的服务。经过近10年的耕耘,我们不仅在中国建立了多管道多方位的面向全国的招生网路,而且还拓展了东部非洲、南亚、中亚以及东亚地区的招生网路。我们计画在2012年之前,创新更多的教育产品并将招生网路继续拓展到南美、欧洲以及北美等地区。
Sponsored by the leading academic, cultural, and economic celebrities and Philanthropists in Hong Kong, CIEA was established and registered in Hong Kong in 2000, with the initial goal of publicizing Chinese traditional culture as well as promoting Chinese Mandarin education in the overseas market and recruiting overseas students studying Chinese in China. Since 2002, CIEA started to expand its business to such areas as cooperating with and promoting colleges and universities of the UK, the USA and Canada, organizing short-term overseas training courses for Chinese Government Officers, and providing all-round services to Chinese students who apply for further oversea education. With our hard efforts and rich experiences of over 10 years, a multinational recruitment network has been set up not only in China but also in East Africa, South Asia, Middle East and East Asia. Till 2012, our recruitment network is expected to expand to South America, EU, and North America.