
2025-03-03 18:37:00


Beethoven (1770-1827) was born in Bonn, playing since childhood learning, in 1787 went to Vienna to study music Haydn, Mozart and get to know. Beethoven lived in the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars and the era of Vienna, the European democracy and the national consciousness is increasingly emerging at this time. His work is a reflection of the characteristics of these times, or sing the praises of heroes, or against feudalism, strive for freedom and democracy and a better future. The main works include "Pathetique" Sonata, "Moonlight" Sonata, "Fate Symphony" (Fifth Symphony), "Choral Symphony" (Symphony No.9). Beethoven's very miserable old age, died in sick Cross. However, people never forget him, on March 29, 1827, Beethoven's funeral was held, about 2,000 people have participated in the care of Hope. Beethoven's music is the most important contribution to the Symphony, he praised as the "King of symphony."


路德维希·凡·贝多芬 (Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770.12.17.-1827.3.26.)
辉煌的创作并不能掩饰贝多芬多难的一生。一八零二年,贝多芬由於逐渐丧失听力,悲愤之余,写下了一封可能是给他兄弟的遗嘱。激情满腔的禀性迫使他频繁地搬家。他在维也纳市区北部有温泉的地方留下了几十处居所。但是温泉最终还是无法挽救他的失聪,一八一九年,贝多芬的听力彻底丧失了。一八二七年,人们在Waehringer Friedhof 魏林格墓地为他举行了隆重的葬礼。一八八八年,贝多芬的遗骨被安放到维也纳中央陵园。

地址:Probusgasse 6, 1190 Wien


地址:Moelkerbastei 8, 1010 Wien

一八二七年,贝多芬去世时,众多的朋友和崇拜者前来吊唁。贝多芬被安葬在魏林格墓地(Waehringer Friedhof)。文学巨匠格里尔帕策曾经在悼词中说 “贝多芬把他的一切献给了众人,从他们那里却一无所获,於是他就远离了众人。”能够让贝多芬瞑目九泉的是,舒伯特一八二八年也被安葬在此,与他相伴。人们为了纪念舒伯特这位年轻的天才音乐家,在魏林格墓地的旁边修建了一座舒伯特花园(Schubertpark)。如今,这座魏林格大街上的舒伯特花园是众多游客流连的地方。
地址:W ringer Stra呈, 1180 Wien
地址:Zentralfriedhof, Simmeringer Hauptstra呈 234, 1110 Wien



Ludwig van Beethoven Biography (1770–1827)
Composer, born in Bonn, W Germany. Miserably brought up by a father who wanted him to become a profitable infant prodigy, he joined the Elector of Cologne's orchestra at Bonn. In 1787 he had lessons from Mozart in Vienna, and in 1792 returned to that city for good, apart from a few excursions.
He first joined Prince Lichnowsky's household and studied under Haydn, Albrechtsberger, and possibly Salieri. His music is usually divided into three periods. In the first (1792–1802), which includes the first two symphonies, the first six quartets, and the ‘Pathétique’ and ‘Moonlight’ sonatas, his style gradually develops its own individuality. His second period (1803–12) begins with the ‘Eroica’ symphony (1803), and includes his next five symphonies, the difficult ‘Kreutzer’ sonata (1803), the Violin Concerto, the ‘Archduke’ trio (1811), and the ‘Razumovsky’ quartets. His third great period begins in 1813, and includes the Mass, the ‘Choral’ symphony (1823), and the last five quartets.

Beethoven was tolerated by Vienna society despite his physical unattractiveness and arrogance. Just as he was developing a reputation as a composer, he began to go deaf, but stoically accepted the fact. None of this stopped him from falling in love with his pupils, including Giulietta Guicciardi and Josephine von Brunswick. From 1812 he was increasingly assailed by ill health, business, and family worries, which included prolonged litigation to obtain custody of his dead brother's son, Karl. His last work was completed at Gneixendorf in 1826, where he developed a severe chill (exacerbated by returning to Vienna in an open chaise), from which he died.