课题 The title
授课时间 Time
教学目的 Teaching Objectives
教学重点 Teaching focus
教学过程 Teaching procedures
3.新课导入 Lead-in
4.文章背景介绍 TheIntroduction of the Background Information
5.课文详细分析 Text Analysis:1)文章体裁 Styleof the text
2)文章结构 Structure ofthe text
3) 文章内容详解(如对重要语言点、语法点、主旨思想、
写作手法等的分析)The detailed analysis of
the text (the analysis of the important
language points,grammatic points,theme and
writing devices)
教学内容 Teaching Content
教学方法、手段及时间分配 Teaching Method and Time Arrangement
课堂小结和教学反馈 Conclusion and the Feedback
作业 Assignment
板书设计 Blackboard Design
教学反思 Teaching Reflection
followed by silence. There was an ironic tone to tha