海伦 双语例句
1. 使馆一个入口,可以从街上直接登上宽广的楼梯,到二楼公共图书馆和艺廊,这里曾展出战后美国艺术家像杰克森。波洛克及其妻李。克伦瑟,海伦。法兰肯莎勒及菲力普。
One entry led straight from the street up a broad staircase to a public library and an art gallery that showcased postwar American artists like Jackson Pollock, Lee Krasner, Helen Frankenthaler and Philip Guston.
2. 可怜的海伦已经病了一个月了,现在她看起来瘦得像竹竿一样。
Poor Helen has been sick for a month and now she looks like a string bean.
3. 海伦:你不应该在这儿!
Helen: You should not have come here tonight.
4. 海伦:而合约都是在察森第十九洞──酒吧签下的。
Helen: And contracts are signed at the nineteenth hole -- the watering hole.
5. 三代人的头脑而成就了英国的圆号演奏王朝;他们分别是海伦·科塔斯(美国一支主流管弦乐队的圆号主手的首位女性)、赫尔曼·鲍曼与澳洲英国侨民巴瑞·塔克维尔。
There are three generations of Brains, a British horn-playing dynasty; Helen Kotas, the first woman to be principal horn player for a major American orchestra; Herman Baumann and the Anglo-Australian, Barry Tuckwell.
6. 海伦:但我很擅长管帐啊。
Helen: But I'm good at it.
7. 艾玛·海伦·威尔洛德(1787–1870)是美国的教育先驱。
Emma Hart Willard (1787-1870) was an American pioneer educator.
8. 海伦言罢,却不知蕴育生命的泥壤已经把他们埋葬,在拉凯代蒙,他们热爱的故土。
She knew not that both these heroes were already lying under the earth in their own land of Lacedaemon.
9. 海伦,我败弯亩感觉我们是亲如一家,但我却无法形容我对你的感觉。
Helen, I feel like we are family through family and I don't have the words to express just what I think of you.
10. 海伦的父母带着海伦坐火车到了巴尔的摩,可是这位医生说他治木了海伦的病,建议凯勒家去请一位教盲人的老师教海伦和别人交流闹喊。
Helen's parents took her on a train to Baltimore, but the doctor said he could do nothing to help Helen. He suggested the Keller's get a teacher for the blind who could teach Helen to communicate.
海伦 源于希腊语 “光友乎芒”
关于雪的就叫好培悉 Snowy 吧,
Snowy [ˈsnəʊ中唯i:] 斯诺伊 雪白的;洁白无瑕的;多雪的
Helen 海伦 女子名,火把、光亮的之义
可以用shirley 雪莉
Helen 海伦 火把、光亮;同时是希腊神话里漏毁凯洞宙斯跟勒达所生的女儿的名字。
Sherry 雪莉
Ashely 阿什莉
Sharon 雪柔
Shirley 雪莉
Tinshare 天雪儿
Shaili 莎莉
Shanley 尚丽
Shira 希拉
Charlene 夏琳
Cherise 切尔斯
Cheryl/Sheryl 彻丽尔
Michelle 米雪儿
Edelweiss 雪绒花
Yuki 日文“ゆき”翻返孙备译过来,单纯的雪的意思
Lancer 兰雪
Faustine 芳雪蒂妮