1. 房间里面的无线信号可能不太好,在一楼大厅的信号是最好的
The (wifi) signal may not be strong enough in the room. It’s much better in the main floor lobby.
(wifi) 可以省略。
2. 客人说信号不好 我想说每个楼层都有路由器 你找一个信号好的无线路由器信号
The guest is saying that the wifi signal is not good.
I want to say
Every floor has a router
Find a floor with the best signal from the router
3. 无线路由器的无线信号
无线 wifi 或 wireless
路由器 router
无线信号 wifisignal
无线路由器的无线信号 wifi signal 或 router signal
4. 打开浏览器 会有一个二次验证 然后就可以正常上网了
When you click open the browser, you will see a two-step verification page. You should then be able to get on the net just like usual.
1.There might be some interuption on the signal strength in the room, the best signal strength you can get is at the lobby on first floor.
2.There is a router on each floor, you can search for a wireless router that provides the best signal strength.
3.The wi-fi signal emitted from the wireless router.
4.After you open your browser, there will be a few pages of verification, then you can get online properly.