Some key of concept to be defined, as same products or directly competition products of defines can reference WTO anti-dumping agreement in the of explained, combined my industry features for defines serious damage or serious damage threat of finds. my can reference United States legislation experience, serious damage finds consider of economic factors including domestic production equipment of major idle, large unemployment or does not full employment, sound my finds damage of standard pursuant to. WTO agreement on safeguards only imports General serious harm to the domestic industry or threat of importing countries can implement safeguard measures, comprehensive serious damage to rely on industry associations to discover, therefore, how to play the role of industry associations and is especially important.
Some key concepts are defined, defined as identical products or directly competitive products can be referenced in the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement that interpretation, combined with the characteristics of industry of China threat of serious damage to define or serious damage. China can learn from the United States legislation, economic factors seriously damage that includes significant idle domestic production equipment, mass unemployment or not full employment, perfecting the identification of damage criteria on the basis of.WTO "agreement on safeguards" only import quantity to cause serious damage to a domestic industry or comprehensive threat importing countries can implement security measures, serious damage to the overall situation to rely on industry associations to find, so how to play the role of industry associations the effect is particularly important。