
2025-03-02 00:13:57

邀请外国人来华担保书 我单位拟邀请XX公司的XX等X人,于X月X日来此洽谈新的业务,确认新开发的样品。 我单位保证其入境后从事与其申请内容相符活动,并按期离境;如入境期间违反我国法律法规,本公司愿承担由此引起的一切责任。 担保人(法人代表)签名: 担保单位: (盖章) X年 X月 X 日 就这样写!


To whom it may concern:
This is to certify that XXX is the employee of our company. He plans to make a personal travel to visit Thailand during his vacation from XXX to XXX, 2008. During he stays in Thailand, all the travel expense will be covered by himself.
XXX has been working in XXX Company for XXX years. Now he is the xxx (title)of XXX (work). Our company hereby guarantee that the applicant will obey the laws and regulations of Thailand and return to China on time. We would keep his position when he comes back from the trip.
Thank you very much for your kindly consideration.
Best Regards!

XXX (boss name)
XXX (title)
XXX Dept.
XXXX Company
Tel: (8621) xxxx-xxx
Fax:(8621) xxxx