A thorough preparation is indispensable for having a successful and effective class, nor is an interactive implementation. How to effectively combine the two together has become the question to be answered, especially under the idea of New Curriculum. Based on the research on preparation and implementation, this paper presents some thoughts on chemistry classroom teaching in the New Curriculum background, that is, preparation is the root of classroom teaching, while implementation is the soul. Nothing but to unity the two and bring them into harmony can make a lively and active chemistry class.
我把两个核心词意译为“impartation” and “interaction” 。
一堂成功、有效的课既离不开预设,也不能没有生成。特别是新课程理念下的课堂教学,怎样把预设与生成有效的结合在一起。本文针对新课程背景下的化学课堂, 对预设与生成进行了研究,认为:预设是课堂教学的根,生成是课堂教学的魂。只有预设与生成的和谐统一的课堂才是充满生命活力的化学新课堂 。
A successful and effective class cannot be without “Impartation”. So is the “Interaction”.
Especially for the new conception Chemistry teaching, how to arrange and combine “impartation” and “interaction” well and effectively is really a big issue. This paper analyzes the importance of “impartation” and “interaction” in the background of current new conception chemistry teaching. It includes that “impartation is the root of teaching of which “interaction” is the soul. Only by combining these two significant parts together in concord can we make a real vital and interesting Chemistry class.
(the end)
A hall succeeds, the effective class already not to be able to leave the preinstall, also cannot not produce. Specially under does the new curriculum idea's classroom instruction, how the preinstall and the production effective unify in together. This article in view of the new curriculum background's under chemistry classroom, has conducted the research to the preinstall and the production, thought: The preinstall is the classroom instruction root, the production is the classroom instruction soul. Only the preinstall and the production harmonious unification's classroom is full of the life energy the chemistry new classroom.
Hand translated to North American Standards. Hope it can help you ^^
An successful and effective class could not be parted from predictions, nor from creation. Enspecially of the classes under the influence of the new course innovation, the effectve combination of prediction and creation is very important. In this essay, studies are accomplished on chemistry classes under the background of the new teaching concept, and this conclusion is gained: predication is the root of an class, while creation is its soul; only witht the successful combination of predication and creation, could an chemistry class be filled with the liveliness of knowledge.
"" A successful and effective lesson is inseparable from the default, also can not generate. Especially the new courses under the concept of classroom teaching, the default and how to generate effective combination. In this paper, against the background of the new curriculum chemistry class, with the formation of a default on that: the default is the root of classroom teaching, classroom teaching is the formation of the soul. Only by default and the formation of a harmonious unity of the classroom is filled with vitality of the new chemistry classroom. ""
A succeedful and effective class not only need the preinstall, but also cannot leave produce. Specially under does the new curriculum idea's classroom instruction, how the preinstall and the production effective unify in together. This article in view of the new curriculum background's under chemistry classroom, has conducted the research to the preinstall and the production, thought: The preinstall is the classroom instruction root, the production is the classroom instruction soul. Only the preinstall and the production harmonious unification's classroom is full of the life energy the chemistry new classroom.