
2025-03-04 22:23:37

The compact disc management system management system is develops with ViusualBasic6.0 uses in managing the compact disc. This system uses in individual compact disc hiring or the sale and so on, facilitates the sell compact disc, taking advantage of the plate, to bargain, operations and so on search, manages compact disc's best assistant. May from define the compact disc, facilitates the increase meaning, to manage the compact disc, to manage the member. Provides the consummation and bargains the operation taking advantage of the plate, the completely independent database system, the data management provides for you: The compact disc management, the member manages. The data inquiry provides for you: Rents the situation, the compact disc inquires, the member inquires. This system has the safe database backup plan, simple easy to use, to imitate the WINDOWS operating mode, may cause your very quick seat of honor, according to needs to establish the compact disc category and the corresponding time, the book number voluntarily. this system uses the ADO programming, the contact surface is artistic, simplicity of operator. The compact disc management system management system research outline elaborated: The topic originates, the user's needs; The current similar system existence's question and the solution, this topic must achieve the project objective and rests on specialized theoretical knowledge. The compact disc management system management system analysis and the design mainly have the system structure, the module to divide, the database structure design. The compact disc management system management system's function realizes the development environment: Including software and hardware environment. Development kit: The request wrote plainly that chooses this tool's goal. Module declaration, flow design. The key technologies (code) analyzes. The conclusion and the experience mainly contain the systems operation effect, the self-appraisal, the test result, the improvement opinion; To the entire graduation project's feeling, the harvest or ask the question and the hope.