Solves the thyroxine acceptor β△ gene in big mouse different organization distributed characteristic, the understanding real-time fluorescence quota PCR principle and the application method. Uses real-time fluorescence quota PCR familiar the method analysis result. Method: TRβ△ the gene has the expression in many kinds of organizations, the liver, the brain, the skeleton muscle, the heart, the kidney expression are most. Withdraws the big mouse liver, the brain, the skeleton muscle, the heart, the kidney and so on many place organization's mRNA, withdraws mRNA is the template counter duplication synthesizes the cDNA first chain. And increases double strand cDNA take it as template PCR. According to the goal gene which copies designs two to direct the thing. Uses real-time fluorescence quota PCR the method to carry on the quantitative analysis. Finally: 1. the extraction organizes total RNA, OD260/OD280 to be situated between 1.7-2.0, OD260/230 is situated between 1.5-1.9. After formaldehyde denatured agarose gel electrophoresis, 28S and 18S density ratio approximately 2. 2. the agarose gel electrophoresis appraises PCR to increase the result: 1) GAPDH the PCR product's agarose gel electrophoresis appraisal result showed: Has the goal about anticipated 160bp approximately to increase the product belt. 2) TRβΔ the PCR product's agarose gel electrophoresis appraisal result showed: The DNA molecular weight size which increases after PCR is the 176bp goal banding. 3) reorganizes the clone material particle pGEM- gene the appraisal result: By EcoRⅠCarries on the enzyme to the reorganization material particle to cut, 2% agarose gel electrophoresis examination enzyme cuts the result, may see about the 3000bp material particle fragment, as well as with insertion sequence size match case another DNA banding. The goal gene and the housekeeping gene quantitative determination, it increases the curve and the curve of solubility has not seen the mixed peak, simultaneously melts the tune prominent peak correspondence Tm value with to increase the product theory Tm to be close. Conclusion: The findings showed that TRβ△ the gene has certain spatial distribution characteristic in the mRNA level's expression: The liver, the brain, the spleen, in the kidney organization has this gene expression, and in spleen's expression quantity is higher than other organizations obviously.