UKN9000001 The update cannot be started. The data is corrupted
80000025 The system cannot be updated. the update program is not applicable for the system 此系统无法升级
80010002 The game could not be tarted 游戏无法运行
80010013 device / media not found 设未找到
80010087 The game could not be tarted 游戏无法运行
8001B002 unknown 未知
80020001 kernel errors 核错误
80020001 generic kernel error 通常性内核错误
800200D9 failed to allocate the memory block 分配内存不足失败
800200E4 The game could not be started 游戏无法运行
80020130 file read error 文件读取错误
8002032c unknown 未知
80020148 PRX type unsupported PRX文件缺失
800244C kernel errors 内核错误
80100D00 The Channel could not be added (Adding RSS in browser) 此频道无法添加(在
80110305 Load failed.The Memory Stick" could not be acessed. 读取失败,记忆棒无法
80110482 occurs when test of wlan infrastructure connection fails.测试无线连接失败或发生错误
80220087 unknown 未知
80220180 Format failed 无法格式化,格式化时弹出记忆棒
80410001 network errors 网络错误
80410410 Cannot connect to the given acess point 无法接入热点
80410A0B Internal Error 内部错误.
80410D07 unknown 未知
80410D09 A connection error has occured 发生连接错误
80410D11 A connection error has occured (during test connection)发生连接错误.测试无
80410D16 network errors 网络错误