
2025-02-27 13:45:17

Let me introduce u the museum for the tourist coming from the entire world ....
Once upon a time in Europe, one country was powerfull, but its over for him now. In the past, every country had his time of glory; Egypt, Roman, Vikking, Greek, Spanish, etc .... But this country doesn't understand that history is keep going on, and it cannot stop and stay as it was. Time of glory is past! This country doesn't live with the futur but more with the past and is like a dinosaure when some decisions need to be taken;... while new countries like China, Korea, ... live with the futur with new technologies, strong motivations and more. Which one will be fucked soon??? Guesss??? People in that country are so slow to move forward that this will lose them soon and they will complain about it, as they always do. I am so deseperated to see that. And people don't understand that our time is over, we have to turn the page and even the chapter! And if we still want to have our place in that world, we must react quick. But what I see now, is that every time the country try to change something and to adaptate itself to the present, people don't want just to say they don't want. Too scared of the unknown or lazy and just able to protect their social benefits whithout thinking of what's going on now and in the futur! But how can we survive in that situation. U probably know which country am I talking about, starting with F ...


The best museum i like
Among the museum, i like Military Museum best. Because it record the history warfare and it has many moing story. From it ,we can learn a lot of knowledge in detail. Furthermore, its education will be hounour for the hero people for ever.