Do No Wrong Satellites contain us Traffic lights control us Rockets shoot us up into the stars Rockets shoot us up into the stars 我们要摆脱红绿灯的束缚 把自己塞进卫星 我们随火箭旅行 目的地是那颗星星 Letters keep us posted Numbers calculated Nothing picks us up when we are down Nothing picks us up when we are down 我们被送往哪里?? 能够记住的只有沿途风景 没有人管我们 即使我们走错方向 Complement the atmosphere Fill the ground with all our tears Dry them up to make it clear We do no wrong 悲伤蔓延 我们的眼泪聚流成河 但是请擦干过往 我们还要继续旅行 Strange surrounds each corner Stains pollute the water Something for us all to think about Something for us all to think about 每个角落都有陌生的味道 暗流川涌不息 有没有什么是值得我们共同追求的?? Summer sun protects us Winter rains torment us Now it seems to me we can't be free Now it seems to me we can't be free 风和日丽或冰霜雨打都不放过我们 我们无路可逃了吗?? Close the door before it's late We were born to love and hate Turn it down for our own sake We do no wrong You fill your ears with every note Direction seems the only hope Its crowded, let's create now We do no wrong 下定决心吧 不然就太迟了 我们没有必要压抑自己的感情 想做就做吧 我们没有错 众说纷纭 只有你自己可以决定 平静下来 我们现在可以出发了 Common sense protects us Everything affects us To the outside light it's paradise To the outside light it's paradise 按照自己的想法去做 每件事情都不会太难 努力后未来不会太远
Do No Wrong
Satellites contain us
Traffic lights control us
Rockets shoot us up into the stars
Rockets shoot us up into the stars
Letters keep us posted
Numbers calculated
Nothing picks us up when we are down
Nothing picks us up when we are down
Complement the atmosphere
Fill the ground with all our tears
Dry them up to make it clear
We do no wrong
Complement the atmosphere
Fill the ground with all our tears
Dry them up to make it clear
We do no wrong
Strange surrounds each corner
Stains pollute the water
Something for us all to think about
Something for us all to think about
Summer sun protects us
Winter rains torment us
Now it seems to me we can't be free
Now it seems to me we can't be free
Close the door before it's late
We were born to love and hate
Turn it down for our own sake
We do no wrong
You fill your ears with every note
Direction seems the only hope
Its crowded, let's create now
We do no wrong
Common sense protects us
Everything affects us
To the outside light it's paradise
To the outside light it's paradise