A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A friend is easier lost than found.
A friend is never known till a man has need.
A friend without faults will never be found.
Sworn brothers whitehead high since the turn of the moral law all hated each other at night
Hate to know each other best friend who never turns his back upon us pour cover later gave the same profound friendship
Life and death undying past in the bosom friend smile at one another since the turn of the last forever cut throat
Row in mind at each row glance via glance good mood
Intimate brothers like-minded bared his chums
Share the joys and sorrows of thin blame care hospitality
Tete-a-tete oceans draw out a sword to vows of eternal love
八拜之交 白首同归 道义之交 高情厚谊 恨相见晚
恨相知晚 莫逆之交 倾盖如故 深情厚谊 深情厚意
生死不渝 叨在知己 万古长青 刎颈之交 相视而笑
莫逆于心 相视莫逆 心照情交 心照神交 一诺千金
亲密无间 推心置腹 肝胆相照 情同手足 志同道合
风雨同舟 荣辱与共 同甘共苦 关怀备至 盛情款待
促膝谈心 情深似海 拔刀相助 海誓山盟 心心相印
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A friend is easier lost than found.
A friend is never known till a man has need.
A friend without faults will never be found.
friendship is my max wealth