英语高手请进!!!英语语法题!谢谢 急急急2!!

2023-12-31 15:55:33

8.Sometimes we are asked______we think< the likely result of an action will
be>. 宾语从句缺表语只有what能在句充当成分

A.that B.what C.if D.whether


9.The photos will show you _________.

A.what does the house look like

B.what the house looks like

C.how does the house look like

D.how the house looks like

---我选了B,答案选D 这道题你选对了

10.cafes>_______the housewives

With insufficient facilities for shopping.这句话的主语是单数

A.leave B.have left C.has left D.is leaving


11. It would be unwise to________too much from him even if he was made a

A.stick B.express C.expose D.experience


12. At first I thought I understood what she said,but the more I thought
about it,_______.

A.the more did I become confused B.the more I become confused

C.the more confused become I D.the more confused I become

----我选了D,答案选B 你选对了

13. London has a larger population_____in the United Kingdom.

A.than any city B.than other cities

C.than all the cities D.than all the other cities

---我选了B,答案选D 你选对了
14.Failure usually comes in_________with misfortunes.

A.combination B.relation C.connection D.association

--我选了D,答案选A 这个翻译对了是不会错的 伴随着

15. The_______of College English Tests is to help students learn English
better,isn’t it?


A.objective B.subject C.objecting D.aiming 我也选d


8、定语从句。what充当will be 的表语,意思是可能的结果会是什么,所以选what.
10、要用完成时,而且主语是the replacement,这里指已经给家庭主妇带来购物的不方便了
11、考查固定短语,express from 从......挤压出,意思是即使他被迫做出承诺,还想要从他那打听到什么是不理智的。
13、D. 伦敦在英国,意思是伦敦比英国其余的城市都要大,也就是是英国第一大城市,要把伦敦自身排除在外,所以用all the other cities
14、C. 考查固定短语。 in combination with “与…结合,与…联合” in connection with“与……有关;与……相连” in relation to “关于;涉及” in association with “与…相联系;与…联合”
15、目标,选A. 名词作主语,objective


8.Sometimes we are asked______we think the likely result of an action will
答案选B;_____we think the likely result of an action will be 部分为宾语从句,be后面少一个表语,需要用what做表语。

9.The photos will show you _________.
你选的B,为正确答案,应该是题目答案有错, look like一般与what边用,因为like为介词,后面需要加名词或代词,作它的介词宾语。

10.The replacement of shops such as the grocer’s and chemist’s by
cafes_______the housewives with insufficient facilities for shopping.

A.leave B.have left C.has left D.is leaving

11. It would be unwise to________too much from him even if he was made a
A.stick B.express C.expose D.experience


12. At first I thought I understood what she said,but the more I thought
about it,_______.

A.the more did I become confused B.the more I become confused

C.the more confused become I D.the moreconfused I become

答案为D,你的答案正确,另外,所有答案里的become 应为bocame

13. London has a larger population_____in the United Kingdom.

14.Failure usually comes in_________with misfortunes.

in combination with 为固定词组,意为失败总是伴随不幸而来

15. The_______of College English Tests is to help students learn English
better,isn’t it?
