
2025-02-24 14:24:22

芒砀山文物旅游区Mount Dangshan heritage tourism area   芒砀山文物旅游区位于苏、鲁、豫、皖四省交界处的永城市,是豫东边陲一座新兴的汉文化旅游胜地。它东傍京沪,西临京九,北依陇海,连霍高速穿区而过,与西安、洛阳、郑州、开封、徐州、连云港、六大旅游城市一脉相连,交通便利,地理位置优越。2002年被纳入河南省“三点一线”的黄金旅游带。Mount Dangshan heritage tourism area is located in Su, Lu, Henan, Anhui Province at the junction of four in Yongcheng City, is the border of a new Chinese cultural tourism resort. It east along the Beijing-Shanghai, west Beijing-Kowloon Railway, according to the north, even Huo high-speed wear and the District, Xi'an, Luoyang, Zhengzhou, and Kaifeng, Xuzhou, Lianyungang, six tourist city are intricately linked, convenient transportation, favorable geographical position. 2002 was incorporated into the Henan province" 3.1" golden tourism belt.   芒砀山文物旅游区文化内函厚重,人文景观遍布,不同时代的文物古迹几乎涵盖了中国历史演变的全过程。这里有春秋时期孔子周游列国在此避雨晒书的夫子崖,有中国历史上第一位农民起义领袖陈胜之墓和郭沫若手书碑文;有三国猛将张飞在此筑寨伐魏的张飞寨,有水浒英雄李衮、项充、樊瑞聚义的三圣殿、更有汉高祖刘邦在此斩蛇起义后成就大汉四百年帝业留下的众多遗迹,如高祖庙、刘邦斩蛇处,御龙泉、紫气岩、皇藏峪、赤帝峰等,更有甚着为纪念高祖刘邦斩蛇起义而立的石碑夜晚用灯光直射即可看到高祖的灵光幻影,被誉为“天下奇观”,还有令人叹为观止的是21座西汉梁国王陵墓群,数量之多,规模之大、价值之高、分布之集中,可谓世界罕见,全国独一无二。其中柿园汉墓中出土的“四神壁画”被中外专家、学者赞誉为“敦煌前之敦煌”,西汉梁孝王刘武之妻李王后陵以其庞大的规模及非凡的价值,被誉为“天下石室第一陵”。金缕玉衣的出土更是震惊全国。该陵墓群1996年被公布为全国重点文物保护单位,国家“AAA”级旅游景区。2006年9月,被评为国家级“AAAA”级景区。 Mount Dangshan heritage tourism cultural lntension of massiness, humanities landscape in different age, cultural relics and historic sites that covers almost the whole process of Chinese history. Here are the spring and Autumn Period Confucius travel through all the kingdoms in Rain-avoiding Book Master cliff, have Chinese history as the first leader of a peasant uprising of the tomb of Chen Sheng and Guo Moruo's hand-written inscription; has the Three Kingdoms under Zhang Fei in this building village of Wei Zhang Fei village, there are the heroes of Dagon, a charge Fan Rui Lee, the three Temple, to more Han Emperor Liu Bang in the after the uprising, four hundred years achievement chopped snake industry left many monuments, such as the high temple, Liu Bang chopped snake, Royal Longquan, rock, Ziqi HUANGZANGYU, Red Emperor peak, more than a commemoration of emperor Liu Bang chopped snake uprising on the monument night lamplight point-blank to see the emperor" phantom, known as the" wonders of the world, there have been 21 seat as the acme of perfection is the tomb of the king of the beam group, number, size, high value, distribution concentrated, is rare in the world, the one and only national. The persimmon garden in Han Dynasty tomb unearthed" Sishen mural", Chinese and foreign experts have been praised as" Dunhuang Dunhuang", the wife of Wang Liuwu Lee Liang Xiao queen mausoleum with its huge scale and extraordinary value, known as "the world the first tomb stone". The unearthed jade burial suit is more shocked the nation. The tombs was released in 1996 for the national key cultural relics protection units, the national" AAA" class tourist scenic spot. In 2006 September, was named the national" AAAA" level scenic spots.