SCAR: Life's not fair, is it? You see I, well, I shall never be king. And you shall never see the light of another day, and you…
ZAZU: Didn't you mother ever tell you not to play with your food?
SCAR: What do you want?
ZAZU: I'm here to announce that king Mufasa's on his way, so you'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning!
SCAR: Oh, now look, ZAZU, you've made me lose my lunch.
ZAZU: Ha, you'll lose more than that when the king gets through with you. He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia.
SCAR: Oooohhh, I quiver with fear.
MUFASA: Scar, drop him!
ZAZU: Impeccable timing. Your Majesty.
SCAR: Why! If it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners!
MUFASA: Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba.
SCAR: That was today? Oh, I feel simply awful. (Drags his nails across the wall) Must have slipped my mind.
ZAZU: yes, well, as slippery as your mind is, and the king's brother you could have been first in line.
SCAR: Well, I was the first in line until the little hairball was born.
MUFASA: Don't turn your back on me. Scar!
SCAR: No Mufasa, perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me.
MUFASA: (roars) Is that a challenge?
SCAR: Temper, temper, I wouldn't dream of challenging you.
ZAZU: Pity. Why not?
SCAR: Well, as well as brains go I got the lion's share, but when it comes to brute strength, I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool. (walks off)
ZAZU: He'd made a very handsome throw-rug.
SIMBA: Hi! Nala! Mum. Can I take Nala to play?
SARABI: Ok, but as long as Zazu goes with you.
SIMBA: Nala. Not Zazu.
NALA: So, where are we going?
SIMBA: An elephant graveyard.
Nala: Wow!
SIMBA: Shh! Zazu.
NALA: So, how are we gonna ditch the Dodo?
ZAZU: Oh,just look at you two, little seeds of romance blossoming in the savanna.
SIMBA: Zazu; turn your back, close your eyes.
ZAZU: Why?
SIMBA: Please, please…
ZAZU: Ok!---- Simba! Nala!…
CHAPTER III (The Compiracy)
HYENA BANZI: And hairy…
HYENA SHENZI: And stinky…
HYENA BANZI: And man, are they…
SCAR: Oh, surely we lions are not all that bad.
HYENA BANZI: Oh, Scar, It's just you.
HYENA SHENZI: We were afraid it was somebody important, like Mufasa, I just heard that name and I shuddered.
HYENA SHENZI: Oh, do it again.
HYENA BANZI: Mufasa! Mufasa! Mufasa!
HYENA SHENZI: It tingles me.
SCAR: I am surrounded by idiots.
HYENA BANZI: Ya, hey did you bring us anything to eat, Scar? Oh buddy, oh pal, did you. did you. did you…?
SCAR: (holding up a package of beef) I don't think you really deserve this. I practically gift-wrapped those cubs for you. And you couldn't even dispose of them.
HYENA BANZI: Well, now it wasn't exactly like they were alone, Scar.
ED: Year, what were we supposed to do? Kill Musafa?
SCAR: precisely.
HYENA SHENZI: And where do we feature?
SCAR: Just listen to the teacher. I know it sounds sordid, but you'll be rewarded. When at last I'm given my clues. And injustice deliciously squared. Be prepared.
ED: yea. Be prepared. we'll be prepared. For what?
SCAR: For the death of the king.
HYENA BANZI: Great idea! Who need the king?
HYENAS: No king , No king .la la la ….
SCAR: Idiots! There will be a king.
ED: Hey but you said…
SCAR: I'll be king. Stick with me and you'll never go hungry again.
HYENA BANZI: Yea, all right. Long life the king!
HYENA SHENZI: Long life the king! Long life the king!
PUMBAA: Uh-Oh. Hey. Timon! You'd better come. Look, I think he still alive.
TIMON: Jeez, it's a lion.Run, Pumbba. move it.
PUMBAA: It's just a little lion. Can we keep him?
TIMON: Pumbba. Are you nuts? You are talking about a lion!
PUMBAA: Maybe he will be on pour side. So we'll keeping him.
TIMON: Of course, I saved you.
SIMBA: Thanks for your help.
TIMON: Gee, you look blue. In this time, I'll say "Hakuna, Matata".
SIMBA: What?
PUMBAA: "Hakuna, Matata!" It means no worries.
TIMON: Let's go.