
2024-08-10 20:35:56

In view of the world economy in the form of grim. In 2009 the economic crisis on China's impact will be greater. Similarly, in 2009 silicone industry will become more intense competition. Silicone-related product prices are at a decreased speed up the process, fumed silica is no exception, as the foreign brands to enter mass production in China, leading China's domestic fumed silica industry is facing great test of survival. We should help each other ride out the storm together.
The brand production capacity is as follows:
() Manufacturer in the United Kingdom) (manufacturers address the production yield MT / year production model
Tokuyama Tokayama Jiaxing 10000 QS-09, QS-10, QS-10L
CP-102, QS-102, QS-20,
QS-30, QS-30C, QS-40,
MT-10, MT-10C, DM-10,
DM-30, HM-20, HM-30ST
KS-20SC, PM-20L
Wacker Wacker Zhangjiagang 10000 V15, N20, T40, H15, H20,
H18, H2000
Cabot Cabot Jiangxi 5000 L-90, LM-130, LM-150, M-5,
MS-55, H-5, HS-5
Cabot (II) Coaot Tianjin Ibid 6400
Xin-Xin An (GBS) uncivilized 5000 HL-150, HL-200, HL-200B
HL-300, HL-380, HB-215
HB-220, HB-615
Kyrgyzstan two-Shuang Ji (GBS) Jilin 3000 Ibid
Si Gui Long Long Quzhou 4800 GLA-150, GLA-200, GLA-300, GLA-380
Shen-Shen Hua Shenyang 1500 A-100, A-130, A-150,
A-200, A-250, A-300, A-380
Tian Tian Ji has been Henan 1500
For the sales of other brands: Degussa, Darisa and so on
Democratic Secretary for the year 2009 your company on the use of fumed silica is expected to 840MT / 1 year (may break 900MT / 1), in which genuine: 280MT (may break 350MT / year); substandard goods: 560MT. In 2010 the genuine will on the use of more than 10 over the counter.
In 2009 to use as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Genuine 16 16 20 20 24 24 24 28 28 28 28 24
Substandard goods 32 32 40 40 48 48 48 56 56 56 56 48
But at the same time we also require:
1, to provide us with your company to adjust the price: genuine USD2.0/KG; substandard goods USD1.0/KG, L/C90 days.
2, the silicone rubber industry, I must be the Secretary for exclusive use, we do not want to trouble the market and then the company IRI.
3, APR's Division I as a partner, has the responsibility to Division I maintain the market stability of the channels to provide the corresponding value-added services.


In view of the world economy in the form of grim. In 2009 the economic crisis on China's impact will be greater. Similarly, in 2009 silicone industry will become more intense competition. Silicone-related product prices are at a decreased speed up the process, fumed silica is no exception, as the foreign brands to enter mass production in China, leading China's domestic fumed silica industry is facing great test of survival. We should help each other ride out the storm together.
The brand production capacity is as follows:
() Manufacturer in the United Kingdom) (manufacturers address the production yield MT / year production model
Tokuyama Tokayama Jiaxing 10000 QS-09, QS-10, QS-10L
CP-102, QS-102, QS-20,
QS-30, QS-30C, QS-40,
MT-10, MT-10C, DM-10,
DM-30, HM-20, HM-30ST
KS-20SC, PM-20L
Wacker Wacker Zhangjiagang 10000 V15, N20, T40, H15, H20,
H18, H2000
Cabot Cabot Jiangxi 5000 L-90, LM-130, LM-150, M-5,
MS-55, H-5, HS-5
Cabot (II) Coaot Tianjin Ibid 6400
Xin-Xin An (GBS) uncivilized 5000 HL-150, HL-200, HL-200B
HL-300, HL-380, HB-215
HB-220, HB-615
Kyrgyzstan two-Shuang Ji (GBS) Jilin 3000 Ibid
Si Gui Long Long Quzhou 4800 GLA-150, GLA-200, GLA-300, GLA-380
Shen-Shen Hua Shenyang 1500 A-100, A-130, A-150,
A-200, A-250, A-300, A-380
Tian Tian Ji has been Henan 1500
For the sales of other brands: Degussa, Darisa and so on

Democratic Secretary for the year 2009 your company on the use of fumed silica is expected to 840MT / 1 year (may break 900MT / 1), in which genuine: 280MT (may break 350MT / year); substandard goods: 560MT. In 2010 the genuine will on the use of more than 10 over the counter.
In 2009 to use as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Genuine 16 16 20 20 24 24 24 28 28 28 28 24
Substandard goods 32 32 40 40 48 48 48 56 56 56 56 48

But at the same time we also require:
1, to provide us with your company to adjust the price: genuine USD2.0/KG; substandard goods USD1.0/KG, L/C90 days.
2, the silicone rubber industry, I must be the Secretary for exclusive use, we do not want to trouble the market and then the company IRI.
3, APR's Division I as a partner, has the responsibility to Division I maintain the market stability of the channels to provide the corresponding value-added services.