dropped by 。。。。 from last year's same period.
decline。。。 in last year's same period.
decline 。。。。comparing with the same period of previous year.
The exfactory price of industrial goods dropped by 2.9 percent.
The consumer prices dropped by 0.8 percent.
Of this, the price of the means of production and the means of livelihood decreased by 3.1 percent and 2.2 percent respectively.
In the first two months, the losses of loss-making enterprises dropped by 12 percent, 8.2 percentage points greater than the margin of decline in last year's same period.
In the first nine months, the retail price of commodities dropped by 1.4 percent from last year's same period.
Of this, State-owned and State holding enterprises reaped 152.6 billion yuan, showing a lower decline rate of 4.1 percent.
According to the probe and analysis of China Trade Information Center, the profit indicator of national department stores (including 84 retail listing companies) dropped 14.3% and the coverage of loss increased 18.5% comparing with the same period of previous year.
据中华全国商业信息中心的调查分析,1999年1-11月,全国重点大商场(含84家零售业上市公司)利润指标同比下降14. 3%,亏损面比上年同期增长18. 5%。
Meanwhile, the import of oil products was 20.352 million tons, 5.1 percent down as compared to the previous year.
Despite a healthy performance by the rest of DaimlerChrysler (Mercedes-Benz, trucks, finance and so on), the firm's net earnings in the final quarter of 2006 plunged to a meagre 577m euro ($724m), fully 40% lower than a year earlier.
In America, home prices suffered a 3.2% year-on-year price drop during the second quarter, according to the Standard Poor's/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices
Come down with the ratio
decrease comparing with the same period last year