AMD公司的ATI Radeon (移动)的HD 3200是板载(共享内存)图形芯片(关于RS780M芯片组) 。 It is based on the HD 2400 graphics core and features the UVD video engine to decode HD videos (Avivo HD).它是基于对HD 2400图形核心,采用的UVD视频引擎,解码高清视频(的Avivo高清) 。
Hybrid CrossfireX is a new feature of the chipset, that allowes to use the onboard HD 3200 graphics core in conjunction with a dedicated graphics card (of the Mobilty Radeon HD 3400 series) in Crossfire combination to increase the performance (similar to GeForceBoost / HybridSLI of Nvidia).混合CrossfireX是一个新功能的芯片组,这allowes使用板载的HD 3200图形核心与独立的显卡(在Mobilty的Radeon HD 3400系列)在Crossfire组合来提高性能 (类似GeForceBoost / HybridSLI的Nvidia公司) 。 Every frame is rendered by a different graphics core with this technique.每一帧是所提供的不同的图形核心,这一技术。
PowerXpress is used to save current if the HD 3200 is used with a dedicated graphics card of the HD 3000 series. 包括PowerXPress是用来保存当前的HD 3200则是使用专用的图形卡的HD 3000系列。 The driver is able to dynamically switch between the onboard graphics (for low demanding tasks like office) and the dedicated graphics core for demanding tasks (eg, games).该驱动程序能够动态之间切换板载图形(低艰巨的任务像办公室)和专用的图形核心,艰巨的任务(例如游戏) 。
The UVD video engine is able to decode HD videos (MPEG-2, H.264, and VC-1) in all stages and allows the fluent playback of HD videos (eg Blu-ray) with a relative low CPU utilization (called Avivo HD).是的UVD视频引擎,能够解码高清视频(的MPEG - 2 , H.264以及VC - 1 )的所有阶段,并允许流畅播放高清影片(如蓝光)与相对较低的CPU利用率(所谓的Avivo高清) 。 The HD 3200 is the first onboard graphics card that allows the fluent playback of Blu-ray videos.与此同时, HD 3200是第一款内建的图形卡,使流畅播放蓝光影片。
The graphics core of the HD 3200 stems from the Mobility Radeon HD 2400 and is therefore DirectX 10 capable.该图形核心的HD 3200源自的Mobility Radeon HD 2400和因此, DirectX 10的能力。 Because of the missing graphics memory, the performance of the card is a bit lower than of the HD 2400.由于失踪的显存,性能的卡略低于2400年的高清。 Theroretically, dedicated memory chips can be directly added to the chip, making it a dedicated graphics card. Theroretically ,专用内存芯片可直接添加到芯片上,使其成为一个独立的显卡。 Because of pricing it is unclear if any manufacturer will add memory to the chip.由于定价,目前尚不清楚是否会增加记忆体制造商的芯片。
Still older games like Doom 3 or Quake 4 should be barly playable . 老游戏仍然像Doom 3中或雷神之锤4应大麦播放 。 Compared to older onboad graphic chips (eg, GMA X3100), the HD 3200 is much faster.老年人onboad相比,图形芯片(例如,全球海洋环境状况评估X3100 ) ,在HD 3200快得多。 Even the Centrino 2 graphics core (X4500HD) should be slower than the HD 3200.即使是迅驰2图形核心( X4500HD )应低于高清3200 。
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一个字:还行!如果你由于种种不可告人的原因不买独立显卡的话,建议你选他!不要看那些复制的答案 一点也不人性话!集成显卡第二名!玩大部分游戏!看高清无敌!