I英文译为:ngredients: 200 grams of pork, green peppers 100 grams, 4 grams of salt, monosodium glutamate 0.5 gram, 5 grams of soy sauce, water, 30 grams of soybean meal, soup 35 grams, 75 grams lard.
1 green pepper pick washed, cut into about 3 mm thick wire, washing seeded. Pork cut 10 cm long, 3 mm thick two thick wire, into the bowl, salt, water, soy flour and mix well.
2, salt, soy sauce, MSG, water, soybean meal, soup and turned into sauce. Add green pepper and wok amount of oil, salt and fry off raw dish.
3, each on a wok, put oil till Liucheng hot, under the pork fried scattered seed, put green pepper, stir well, cooked into the sauce, stir fry a few pot transfer to a plate mold.