这篇小说是以19世纪的英国为背景,描写一个贫苦儿童汤姆和一个富贵王子爱德华交换社会地位的童话式故事。 贫儿汤姆从小过着衣不蔽体、食不果腹的贫困生活,幻想着自己能有一天当上富贵的王子,而爱德华因厌倦死板、空虚的宫廷生活,也幻想着能到民间尝尝作贫儿的滋味。于是有一天,他们交换了身份,开始了新的生活。 通过这个童话情节,小说首先用鲜明的对比手法,展现了劳动人民生活的极端艰难困苦和统治阶级生活的极端豪华奢侈。在此同时,小说还鲜明地表明了人生生来平等的民主主义思想和环境决定人物性格的唯物主义观念。 汤姆并非天生就只能当贫儿,爱德华也不是生来就只能当王子,全部的不同只在服饰和地位。爱德华就曾跟汤姆说:“要是我们光着身子走出去,谁也分不清哪个是你,哪个是我!”的确,当贫儿穿上王子衣服时,大家都把他当成王子;而爱德华穿上贫儿衣服后,大家便认定他是贫儿,这里既没有什么“天生富贵”,也没有什么“天赋王权”,问题的关键只在穿什么服饰和处在什么地位。 不仅如此,汤姆在穿上王子衣服,被人推上王位后,便立即颁发仁慈的法律,释放无罪的囚犯,否定封建法律的荒谬,指责宗教裁判所的草菅人命,成了被万民拥戴的开明君主。而爱德华在穿上贫儿衣服后,也能在重新当上国王时废止酷刑,昭雪冤狱,颁布新法,以改善人民的处境。这是他俩突然心血来潮或良心复苏吗?不,这是环境对人物性格的客观影响,是健康、朴素的人民生活对人的改造作用。汤姆从人民中来,健康、朴素的人民生活使他从小就具有善良、正直的品质和同情苦难、嫉恶如仇的性格。而爱德华从王宫走到人民中去以后,受人民生活的影响,也逐渐具有了跟统治者截然不同的品质和性格。 最后还有一点,小说虽然取材于16世纪英国,但读者从小说所描写的人民大众的苦难生活,很自然会联想到19世纪七八十年代美国劳动人民的艰难处境;从小说所描写的统治者的为所欲为,很自然会联想到当时美国资产阶级政府的专横欺诈;从汤姆和爱德华交换身份后的思想言行,也很自然会联想到深刻的种族歧视。因此,小说虽然取材于16世纪英国,但其批评的矛头是指向19世纪的美国。 误会和交换身份,就是这一部童话的主要情节,而这看似俗套的设置,却在马克 吐温笔下显出了隐含的光辉。这篇读后感,语言质朴平实,从手法、思想和社会背景三方面阐述了作者意图,笔风简洁,眼光犀利。
Today, I read the book"The Prince and the Pauper",a popular novel writen by a famous American author Mark Twian.
The story describes a prince, Edward and a pauper,Tom changed their position ocassionally.The prince became a pauper while the pauper became the prince.
The pauper Tom worn a prince's clothes in the palace and became the new king of the Great Britain.
And the true prince Edward can not be a true king.He had to live with poor people and beggers.
Under the help of a good man,Hoton,prince Edward changed his bad habit and finally went back to the palace.
And pauper Tom felt very sorry and had to leave. The real prince became the real king.Finally, Edward became a good king and live with his people happily.
After reading this book,I thought a lot which I never thought before:people couldn't make their life be perfect in any time.Any thing we do has both good results and bad results,because all things are connected:if you choose one thing,you have to give up another thing.Besides, i feel that we should have a kind heart,no matter when we rich or poor and make many good things to others.
Its narrative and readability all greatly strengthened, but its minor defect in something otherwise perfect lies in the style insufficiently to be flexible, the language too is light.American writer Mark•Twain's novel has the practical significance very much, but although his work is inferior to the big dumas fils in the language nimble often all to have the winding plot win.Just started not to like reading "Prince And Poor" this work, because its first several chapters did not have what plot moreover the language not to be beautiful.In order to waste the time, I brace oneself downward looked that, probably soon saw to 3/4 time, I have been moved by the plot, even, in has a dream can the story in the mind.Because if is not must waste the time, I possibly blind such outstanding work.
Mark•Twain has the influence extremely in US, but the people familiar-sounding can detailed be his other several works "1,000,000 Pounds".。。。。。But I most early with Mark•Twain has to do is causes by "Adam And Eve's Secret Diary", but told the truth, that book is very disappointing.Afterwards I then looked at "1,000,000 Pounds", really has that the literature great master's flavor, looked at "Prince And Poor" recently until me this book, mmm, the extremely good book, you may have a look well.
This novel is take the 19th century England as a background, describes a poor child Tom and a riches and honor prince Edward exchanges the social position the fairy tale type story.
Poor Tom from the minor offense the impoverished life which in rags, the food does not have a full stomach, was fantasizing own can the prince who one day works as the riches and honor, because but Edward is weary of stodgily, the void palace life, also was fantasizing can arrive the folk to taste makes poor the taste.Therefore one day, they have exchanged the status, started the new life.
Through this fairy tale plot, the novel first uses the sharp contrast technique, has unfolded the extreme which the working people live hardships and the ruling class life extreme luxurious luxurious.At the same time, the novel also bright surface perspicuity life since birth equal democracy thought and the environment decide the character disposition the materialism idea.Tom inborn only can work as by no means poor, Edward is not only can work as since birth prince, complete different only in clothing and status.Edward on once said to Tom that,“If our light body is walking, who also can'tdistinguish clearly which is you, which is I!”Indeed, when poor puts on the prince clothes, everybody him regards as the prince; But after Edward puts on the poor clothes, everybody then recognized he is poor, here already does not have any “the inborn riches and honor”, also does not have any “the talent royal power”, the question key is only putting on any clothing and occupies any status.