大阪大学(日语:おおさか だいがく,英语:Osaka University)是位于日本大阪府的国立研究型综合大学,是旧制帝国大学之一。在日本通常被称呼为阪大(はんだい,Handai)。在日本关西地区,该校是仅次于京都大学的在各个领域都起着重要作用的综合性大学。
学部(本科):文学部 ,人间科学部(人类科学) ,外国语学部(外语学),法学部(法学科,国际公共政策学科),经济学部 ,理学部(数学科,物理学科,化学科,生物科学科 ),医学部(医学科,保健学科),齿学部(齿学科),药学部(药学科,药科学科),工学部,基础工学部
Osaka City University (大阪市立大学 ,Ōsaka shiritsu daigak?), abbreviated to Ichidai or Shidai (市大), is a municipal university in Japan. It is located in Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka City.
Graduate Schools:Graduate School of Business,Graduate School of Economics,Graduate School of Law (including Law School),Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences,Graduate School of Science,
Graduate School of Engineering,Graduate School of Medicine,Graduate School of Nursing (Master's courses only),Graduate School of Human Life Science,Graduate School of Creative Cities
Faculties (Undergraduate Schools):Faculty of Business,Faculty of Economics,Faculty of Law,Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences,Faculty of Science,Faculty of Engineering,Faculty of Medicine (including Medical School and School of Nursing),Faculty of Human Life Science
Institutes:Media Center (Library),Research Center for Urban Health and Sports,Research Center for Human Rights,Urban Research Plaza,Botanical Gardens Faculty of Science Osaka City University,Toneyama Institute for Tuberculosis Research (a part of Medical School)