
2025-02-26 22:57:58





Public Function GetValue(ByVal Expression As String) As Single
Dim IsUnary As Boolean, NextUnary As Boolean
Dim PaNum As Integer 'Number of Brackets
Dim Pos As Integer
Dim LenExpr As Integer
Dim MyStr As String, LeftExpr As String, RightExpr As String
Dim Value As String
Dim MyPos As Integer, MyPrec As Integer
Dim LeftStr As String, RightStr As String
Dim StdSng As Single, SngR As Single
Const StrNote As String = "+-*/%^\"

Expression = Trim$(Expression)
LenExpr = Len(Expression)

If LenExpr = 0 Then Exit Function
IsUnary = True: MyPrec = 11
For Pos = 1 To LenExpr
MyStr = Mid$(Expression, Pos, 1)
NextUnary = False
If MyStr = " " Then NextUnary = IsUnary
If Asc(MyStr) = 40 Then PaNum = PaNum + 1: NextUnary = True

If Asc(MyStr) = 41 Then
PaNum = PaNum - 1
NextUnary = True
End If

If PaNum = 0 Then
If InStr(1, StrNote, MyStr) <> 0 Then
NextUnary = True
Select Case MyStr
Case "^"
If MyPrec >= 9 Then MyPrec = 9: MyPos = Pos
Case "*", "/"
If MyPrec >= 8 Then MyPrec = 8: MyPos = Pos
Case "\"
If MyPrec >= 6 Then MyPrec = 6: MyPos = Pos
Case "%"
If MyPrec >= 5 Then MyPrec = 5: MyPos = Pos
Case "+", "-"
If (Not IsUnary) Or MyPrec >= 4 Then MyPrec = 4: MyPos = Pos
End Select
End If
End If
IsUnary = NextUnary
If PaNum <> 0 Then ErrorIf = True
If MyPrec < 11 Then
LeftExpr = Left$(Expression, MyPos - 1): RightExpr = Right$(Expression, LenExpr - MyPos)
Select Case Mid$(Expression, MyPos, 1)
Case "^"
StdSng = GetValue(LeftExpr)
SngR = GetValue(RightExpr)
If StdSng < 0 Then
If Round(SngR / 2, 0) <> SngR / 2 Then
ErrorIf = True
Exit Function
End If
End If

GetValue = StdSng ^ GetValue(RightExpr)
Case "*"
GetValue = GetValue(LeftExpr) * GetValue(RightExpr)
Case "/"
StdSng = GetValue(RightExpr)
If StdSng = 0 Then ErrorIf = True: Exit Function
GetValue = GetValue(LeftExpr) / GetValue(RightExpr)
Case "\"
StdSng = GetValue(RightExpr)
If StdSng = 0 Then ErrorIf = True: Exit Function
GetValue = GetValue(LeftExpr) \ GetValue(RightExpr)
Case "%"
StdSng = GetValue(RightExpr)
If StdSng = 0 Then ErrorIf = True: Exit Function
GetValue = GetValue(LeftExpr) Mod GetValue(RightExpr)
Case "+"
GetValue = GetValue(LeftExpr) + GetValue(RightExpr)
Case "-"
GetValue = GetValue(LeftExpr) - GetValue(RightExpr)
End Select
Exit Function
End If
LeftStr = Left$(Expression, 1): RightStr = Right$(Expression, 1)
If LeftStr = "(" And RightStr = ")" Then
GetValue = GetValue(Mid$(Expression, 2, LenExpr - 2))
Exit Function
End If
If LeftStr = "-" Then
GetValue = -GetValue(Right$(Expression, LenExpr - 1))
Exit Function
End If
If Left$(Expression, 1) = "+" Then
GetValue = GetValue(Right$(Expression, LenExpr - 1))
Exit Function
End If
If LenExpr > 5 And RightStr = ")" Then
LeftExpr = LCase$(Left$(Expression, 4))
RightExpr = Mid$(Expression, 5, LenExpr - 5)
On Error Resume Next
Select Case LeftExpr
Case "sin("
GetValue = Sin(GetValue(RightExpr))
Exit Function
Case "cos("
GetValue = Cos(GetValue(RightExpr))
Exit Function
Case "tan("
GetValue = Tan(GetValue(RightExpr))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then: ErrorIf = True: Exit Function

Exit Function
Case "asn("
Value = GetValue(RightExpr)
If Value > 1 Or Value < -1 Then ErrorIf = True: Exit Function
If Value = -1 Then GetValue = -Pi / 2: Exit Function
If Value = 1 Then GetValue = Pi / 2: Exit Function
GetValue = Atn(Value / Sqr(1 - Value ^ 2))
Exit Function
Case "acs("
Value = GetValue(RightExpr)
If Value > 1 Or Value < -1 Then ErrorIf = True: Exit Function
If Value = -1 Then GetValue = Pi: Exit Function
If Value = 1 Then GetValue = 0: Exit Function
GetValue = Atn(-Value / Sqr(1 - Value ^ 2)) + Pi / 2
Exit Function
Case "lnn("
GetValue = Log(GetValue(RightExpr))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then: ErrorIf = True: Exit Function
Exit Function
Case "log("
GetValue = Log(GetValue(RightExpr)) / Log(10)
If GetValue(RightExpr) <= 0 Then ErrorIf = True: Exit Function
Exit Function
Case "abs("
GetValue = Abs(GetValue(RightExpr))
Exit Function
Case "rnd("
GetValue = Rnd * GetValue(RightExpr)
Exit Function
Case "atn("
GetValue = Atn(GetValue(RightExpr))
Exit Function
Case "sqr("
GetValue = Sqr(GetValue(RightExpr))
If GetValue(RightExpr) < 0 Then: ErrorIf = True: Exit Function
Exit Function
Case "exp("
GetValue = Exp(GetValue(RightExpr))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then: ErrorIf = True: Exit Function
Case "sum("
GetValue = CalcClip(RightExpr, 1)
Exit Function
Case "ave("
GetValue = CalcClip(RightExpr, 2)
Exit Function
Case "max("
GetValue = CalcClip(RightExpr, 3)
Exit Function
Case "min("
GetValue = CalcClip(RightExpr, 4)
Exit Function
Case "mid("
GetValue = CalcClip(RightExpr, 5)
Exit Function
Case "fan("
GetValue = CalcClip(RightExpr, 6)
Exit Function
Case "bao("
GetValue = CalcClip(RightExpr, 7)
Exit Function

Case "sgn("
GetValue = Sgn(GetValue(RightExpr))
Exit Function
End Select
End If

If Expression = "x" Then
GetValue = TempValue
Exit Function
End If

On Error Resume Next
GetValue = CSng(Expression)
On Error GoTo 0
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
ErrorIf = True
End If

End Function

