我们作为学生,学习是我们的任务,追求学问是我们的目标。要做到不耻下问,虚心求问。学习知识没有虚心求问的态度是不行的。任何领域都有许多尚未被你了解的知识,任何人身上都有你可以学习的地方。只要你虚心就可以发现你要学的东西,也只有你虚心才能学到你要学的东西。所以,不耻下问要从虚心的治学态度开始。 我们要不耻下问,勤于求问。聪明的人知道多问就会增长知识。只有勤学、勤问,才能不断积累知识,不断更新知识,不断丰富和提高自己,适应时代的需要。 同学们:不耻下问是中华民族的传统美德,从古至今都受到人们的赞颂。学而知,问而广。打开一切科学的钥匙都毫无异议的是问号,而生活的智慧大概就在于逢事都问个为什么。只有在学中问,在问中学,才能求得真知。知而好问然后能成才。我们要提倡和发扬这种“不耻下问”的精神。要获真知识,必得口常开,“遇事一问,必长一智”,问能者、智者、强者,也问不如己者,知识学问才能不断丰富提高。“多问”与“勤学”的关系。发扬勤学好问的精神,做知识的主人。希望我们所有的同学在今后的学习中都能养成勤学好问的习惯,做学习的主人,在知识的天空自由翱翔!
We are a student , learning being our mission , running after knowledge is our target. Be going to achieve not feeling ashamed to ask and learn from people below , to ask modestly ask about. Studying the attitude that knowledge asks to ask about not modestly is not good. Any field all has a lot of the knowledge being known not yet by you , the place there being you being able to study anybody on one's body. Thing being able to discover the thing that you ask to learn , also needing to learn only when your modest ability learns to arrive at you as long as you are modest. Therefore, not feeling ashamed to ask and learn from people below needing to comply with modest doing scholarly research the attitude begins.
We need not to feel ashamed to ask and learn from people below , frequent Yu asks ask about. The clever people knows asking about much only being capable to do increase knowledge. Ask that ability accumulates knowledge unceasingly , renew self's knowledge unceasingly only when studious , frequent, unceasingly, rich and improve self, need adapting to a times's.
Schoolmates: Do not feel ashamed to ask and learn from people below being the Chinese nation traditional virtue , do not accepting people's glorification so far from the ancient times. Learn but the knowledge, asks about but broad. The key opening all science is all without any disagreement the wisdom being question mark, but living lies in to ask about when coming across thing presumedly why. Only when in learning ask that middle school , ability ask for a genuine knowledge in asking about. Knowledge but easy to ask about and then to be able to become a useful person. We want to advocate and develop this spirit "not ashamed to ask and learn from self's inferiors". Be going to obtain true knowledge , to must obtain mouth Chang come untied ", when anything comes up, once to ask about , to become more clever necessarily" , ask able man , sage , strong person , also ask inferior to self own's person , knowledge knowledge that ability enriches rise unceasingly. "How ask about " and "studious" relation. Develop the spirit studying a great curiosity to ask all sorts of questions diligently, host who does knowledge. Hope that our all schoolmates all can form the host who studies habit easy to ask about diligently , makes study about , soar freely in the knowledge sky in study about the days to come .
We take the student, the study are our duties, pursues the knowledge is our goal. Must achieve is open-minded, strives for to ask modestly. The study knowledge has not asked the manner which asked is incorrect modestly. Any domain has many not yet the knowledge which was understood by you, on any person of body has the place which you may study. So long as you modest may discover you must study thing, also only then you modest can learn the thing which you must study. Therefore, is open-minded must from the modest doing scholarly research manner start. We must be open-minded, the attendance in asks to ask. The intelligent person knew that asked will increase knowledge. Only then diligently studies, asked industriously that can accumulate the knowledge unceasingly, renews the knowledge unceasingly, enriches themselves and enhances unceasingly, adaptation time need. Schoolmates: Is open-minded is Chinese nation's traditional virtue, receives people's praise from ancient times till now. Studies knows, asked that but broad. The one who opens all science the key not in the least objection is the question mark, but lives why does the wisdom probably lie in brings forth the matter to ask. Only then in study asked that is asking the middle school, can obtain the true knowledge. Knows is inquisitive then can mature. We must advocate and carry forward this kind “is open-minded” the spirit. Must attain the real knowledge, must the mouth often open, “as soon as encounters a difficulty asked that must the long wisdom”, ask those who are able, the wise, the powerhouse, also asked that is inferior to oneself, the knowledge knowledge can enhance richly unceasingly. “asked” and “diligently studies” relations. Carries forward spirit which diligently studies is inquisitive, makes the knowledge master. Hoped that our all schoolmates can form the habit which in present's study diligently studies is inquisitive, makes the study master, in knowledge sky free ballooning!
I hate study!